
Account-Based Marketing (ABM): Why You Should Adopt It, And How


Account-Based Marketing (ABM): Why You Should Adopt It, And How

Account-based marketing, or ABM, is becoming more and more popular among B2B marketers as a component of their total marketing campaigns. ABM works in perfect harmony with traditional marketing strategies that focus on boosting short-term lead generation and long-term revenue growth.

Lean IT will help your organization to grow with the help of adopting account-based marketing

What Is Account-Based Marketing?

ABM, in its most basic form, is a marketing approach that focuses resources on engaging a certain group of target accounts. ABM not only encourages but also mandates alignment between the marketing and sales departments since account-level personalization necessitates that both departments be in sync with account-specific content. Increased money in a shorter amount of time was the driving force.

By working closely with sales to identify significant prospects, marketers utilizing account-based marketing (ABM) avoid broadening their search for leads and instead target specific accounts’ buying teams with personalized programs and messaging.

Why Would You Want to Practice ABM with Lean IT?

Marketing departments are under increasing pressure to have a direct impact on revenue growth, especially as buying circles expand. It’s the main cause of the ABM approach’s notable adoption. Relationships in your highest-value, highest-opportunity accounts are the main emphasis of ABM.

Assume, for example, that you offer a high-priced SaaS product or consulting service. Instead of pursuing small businesses, SMBs, and enterprises with a broad approach, you might begin by concentrating on the accounts that have the greatest need and the necessary funding.

Marketing and sales may engage and convert accounts more effectively by pooling their resources and efforts. In reality, they have the luxury of taking their time to formulate a deliberate strategy that increases the likelihood of generating interaction.

This deliberate approach is important at a time when consumers are demanding outreach that is customized to their company and even to their own interests within the company. Marketing and sales must interact with each member of the buying team individually in order to comply with ABM. Targeting a small number of high-value accounts with marketing and sales efforts requires a customized strategy.

If you effectively personalize your communications, customers will be more receptive to your outreach and less likely to disregard it.

Who Does ABM Benefit and How?

According to the facts, ABM works well for B2B organizations that supply a small number of major important accounts or accounts of a particular size inside a particular industry. Others contend that as long as high-value accounts are the main emphasis, ABM may be effective for B2B companies of any size.

More specifically, ABM benefits customers, marketing, and sales all at the same time.

The account-based strategy that sales teams have long embraced is properly complemented by ABM. Marketing’s committed involvement allows sales teams to more effectively tailor their outreach. Sales can close larger deals more quickly and with greater close rates when they target specific members of the buying committee with relevant marketing messaging.

Sales views the marketing team as a reliable ally on a strategic mission, which benefits marketing. Instead of sending out leads that sit around, marketing collaborates with sales to create a list of prospects that both departments feel are the most promising. According to 84% of companies utilizing ABM, it offers a better return on investment than other marketing initiatives.

One important side effect of ABM is that it gives the marketing team a far better grasp of the target audience as a whole. Marketing can use their understanding of the messaging and content that people respond to best to enhance the outcomes of their other initiatives.

Better experiences are another way that ABM helps customers. Personalized interactions are what buyers want, and ABM provides them. Customers will understand and value your upfront efforts in providing them with relevant material and messages that resonate, as well as the fact that you don’t waste their time with irrelevant ones.

How to Align Sales and Marketing Around an ABM Strategy with the help of Lean IT

The key to success is getting marketing and sales to function as a single account team. If that alignment isn’t there, your target accounts will experience a disjointed experience as sales and marketing step on each other instead of facilitating each other’s ability to interact with important decision-makers.

Success begins with your sales representatives and marketers having open lines of communication, and it continues as each group carries out its own portion of the plan across the buyer’s journey. Starting with a shared understanding of the ABM program’s ultimate objective facilitates communication between marketing and sales as they identify the most appropriate target accounts and the most effective way to connect with and interact with them.

While expanding the company with current clients or gaining new ones is the primary goal, marketing and sales should also establish more manageable targets that complement the larger ones. These logical objectives may consist of:

  • Pinpointing a higher number of decision-makers within each account
  • Securing a greater number of senior-level appointments/meetings
  • Accelerating the sales cycle
  • Encouraging higher customer loyalty or reducing churn
  • Closing a higher percentage of large deals
  • Boosting revenues within existing accounts

Lean IT Will Help You To Create Strategy For Account-Based Marketing

Sales and marketing can work together toward the same objective when they have the same perspective on account targeting and acquisition. Co-developing an ABM strategy is the first step in enabling sales and marketing to collaborate as a single “account team.”

In essence, this means that marketing allocates its resources primarily to the accounts that sales consider most critical. Sales and marketing agree on shared objectives, messaging and content, execution strategy, and performance measures. Let’s go over the essential procedures for creating an ABM plan with the help of Lean IT .

Step 1: Identify high-value accounts

Examine your current clientele to see which ones best meet your criteria for the perfect client. This definition can change depending on factors like industry and other broad characteristics, but it generally comes down to the most lucrative, enduring, satisfied clients who are a pleasure to work with. To put it another way, they offer the highest lifetime value, are a great fit for your business, and succeed with your solutions.

Watch out for new accounts that meet your strategic criteria as well as those that are already with you and have expressed interest in growing their relationship with your business. When answering the question “Does this account have an urgent need we can address and that would compel it to spend $X?” for new accounts, you could

Step 2: Map individuals to accounts

Any B2B transaction involving a sizable purchase will require your sales and marketing departments to assist in fostering agreement among the important parties. Finding people who have the power to influence the ultimate purchasing decision is your first step. You must interact with and influence these committee members to take action.

As an illustration, suppose a business that sells marketing software is determining the important decision-making positions in particular accounts. The CMO, CIO, CFO, and managers of digital marketing could be on the list of people.

Step 3: Define and create targeted campaigns

You must create customized campaigns that appeal to your target accounts and persons after you’ve selected them. Remember that the foundation of every successful ABM program is the development and maintenance of relationships. Your best chance of success is to offer insightful advice and instruction that is coordinated with the account’s purchasing cycle.

The first step is to match your messaging and content to the requirements, concerns, and interests of every important stakeholder and account. The ideal approach would be to create a special value proposition and pertinent material for every stakeholder that affects a purchase.

Include lots of thought leadership material in your content strategy:

Recognize the opinions of stakeholders. Investigate the current status of the discussion first to meet your readers where they are.

Create and express a well-informed opinion. Demonstrate that you are in a position to make a firm decision and present a compelling case for your stance.

Explain the value you’ve provided in your narrative. Provide instances from everyday life that illustrate your points of view.

Step 4: Pinpoint optimal channels

Determine which channels your target accounts and important stakeholders use most frequently to look for trends and solutions. This could differ depending on the function or even the industry, so don’t think you can apply a general strategy here.

Step 5: Develop a strategic playbook

Create a playbook that specifies who does what and when in order to make roles and responsibilities clear. Indicate the strategies that sales and marketing will employ to interact with contacts inside accounts and stimulate curiosity and action. Create a marketing cadence that assigns the proper channel, message, and content to each communication or outreach to give this significance.

Step 6: Execute your campaigns

Utilizing a tailored approach that makes sense for every interaction, marketing and sales interact with accounts on a personal basis. A wide range of strategies, such as email, special events, direct mail, advertisements, and more, can be used in campaigns. Utilize the relationship-driven nature of ABM approach to direct your outreach.

For instance, a particular team member may get in touch with the contact because they attended the same university or have the greatest professional ties. The team member who owns the account can then be introduced to by that team member.

Step 7: Measure and optimize

Assessing the effectiveness of conventional lead-generation strategies is not the same as measuring ABM outcomes. When it comes to ABM, sales and marketing are equally responsible for generating revenue and pipeline. It’s accounts you have to move through the buying procedure, not people.

Keep track of opportunities created, closed wins and their value, and account interaction as well. As with a normal buy cycle, give your teams ample time to produce results. Then, make any necessary adjustments to your plan and methods.

Types of Account-Based Marketing

  • ·       Strategic ABM
  • ·       ABM Lite
  • ·       Programmatic ABM

How Can Lean IT will  Help You?

If you are interested and when you are ready, we can help you in your ABM journey. Here are some ways to get started:

  1. Check out more on  to get you started on your ABM journey.
  2. Follow us or connect with us on LinkedIn.
  3. Work with me directly. Let’s book us on (Lean IT is the best salesforce partner company in the United States. ( and we can explore ways you can improve your marketing using the latest techniques in account-based marketing.

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